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  1. M

    Puppy raising x 9-5

    @lovefaithhopeinjesus 8 weeks is very young for a puppy. 12 weeks tends to be a better range to bring one home (puppies go through a fear stage at 10-12 weeks so many breeders keep them until that 12 week mark). Family members took time off from work to raise puppies e.g. ex and I each took two...
  2. M

    How much hot dog treats is too much per day? 11 week old goldendoodle

    @purestofpure I try not to give my dogs anything containing sweeteners of any kind. In particular, I avoid refined sugars because it’s hard on their teeth and gums and digestive teeth cleaning is stressful and expensive. Dairy contains a lot of natural sugars so I avoid that too but my current...
  3. M

    “Wake up before your dog, it’ll help them sleep in longer” yeah thanks now he wakes up at 4:45am

    @libra111 I have an 11 am dog. Like people, some are morning creatures and some are not. You can shift their schedule off some but probably not going to change them. Puppies are also food oriented so I’d consider a strategy that does not involve starting your morning with food. I personally...