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    UPDATE: My poor hands 😭 - it DID get better

    @his_delight Needed this! My guy is 7 months and I was losing hope! Love him forever regardless haha. Just curious is your pup a small breed?
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    Reminder- get puppy used to fireworks!

    @salome2 Ofc, hope it helped last night!
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    Reminder- get puppy used to fireworks!

    @magieden It doesn’t! Hahaha I like to play the playlist when my guy has a chew or lick mat. Only a few sounds pique his interest now
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    Reminder- get puppy used to fireworks!

    Treat treat treat ☻ with the holidays coming up (namely NYE). My family dog was terrified of fireworks growing up and it’s heartbreaking to witness. I really like this Spotify playlist for noise socialization (start low and slow):