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    Dog reactive around home

    @tbdude65 Interesting, that makes a lot of sense. She can sometimes get a little antsy, so after a few minutes would just stand up and walk around or start sniffing the grass. In your experience, did you try and "correct" that back into some sort of neutral position? or does the fact that she's...
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    Dog reactive around home

    @tbdude65 Curious, what is the “hang out hack”? I’m not familiar with it, but if it worked for you I’d love to learn more about it
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    Dog reactive around home

    @imagebeastmarkbeast Do you have any reading material or anything I can consume that might help me better understand some of this? I’m genuinely interested, I’ve never seen her as a dog that has anxiety, but it’s certainly possible that I don’t know how to interpret that in a dog
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    Dog reactive around home

    @thoushaltnorkill Appreciate you taking the time to write that up, definitely some good tips in there about practicing this first outside the home and then moving closer Curious if you’ve got advice on what to do other than the walking around if a dog is going to approach unwanted? The issue is...
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    Dog reactive around home

    @thoushaltnorkill Reaction distance is typically pretty far away, but it varies. I'd say generally it's anything inside of 20 feet is going to be an issue, but certainly inside of 10. Her behavior away from home is usually perfectly fine, she loves hanging out and playing with dogs when we are...
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    Dog reactive around home

    @thoushaltnorkill So generally the reactivity looks like her lunging and barking in a fairly aggressive way. She's on leash at this time, so the lunge doesn't really do anything other than amp her up more, but my guess is that the restraint of the leash really just amps her up more. Sometimes...
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    Dog reactive around home

    My partner and I own a doodle in the Boston area who is struggling with reactivity in/around our home. Thankfully the reactivity is limited to other dogs and we have not had any issues with humans, but living in an apartment and in a busy neighborhood still makes this very challenging. Little...