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  1. A

    Which of these 2 online courses is right for me?

    @chinyereukoha PS: You are not going to learn anything about how to train from Ivan's podcasts or free videos- I tried, believe me. Best to hire one of his certified trainers for a few sessions with your dog. Nothing beats hands on work with an experienced professional. It's worth the $ if...
  2. A

    Demand barking, send help (again)

    @krueman Sportdog bark collars are great. They sense the vibration of the bark and can be set to allow the dog to bark once (no stim) but any other bark after that, the dog will get a stim that rises with each bark- but had a limit (does not keep stimming if dog does not stop barking). It has...
  3. A

    Which of these 2 online courses is right for me?

    @chinyereukoha That is Ivan's motto. He teaches how to fish, he does not feed you. Most people just to know 'how do I fix this thing with my dog. It sounds like you have a deeper agenda that Ivan can fulfill. He teaches concepts not 'do this with all dogs'. I'd go with Ivan's bundle. Ellis...