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  1. T

    Losing my mind

    @bella_lee I actually am not using an enzymatic cleaner. But I will buy one and scrub the floors this week. Thank you for the suggestion!! I probably should also talk to his vet about it just incase.
  2. T

    Losing my mind

    @bella_lee The only reason I haven’t talked to my vet is because if i leave the house for like 6 hours for a work day, he holds it the whole time in his kennel. Do you think he’d still do that if it was medical?
  3. T

    Losing my mind

    @heavenhome He’s a papillon/chihuahua mix. He is neutered, and it seems like he’s just … peeing. He’s not lifting his leg on things. But he’ll do it like an hour after going outside and peeing 5x outside. (In his kennel he can hold it all day if I have to leave) so it’s not a bladder issue
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    Losing my mind

    My dog is 15 months old. He is STILL not potty training. I am at my wits end. Please if anyone has any resources please help. I literally cry every time he has an accident now because it’s so stressful. I got him when he was 3 months old, and immediately started trying to potty train. That...