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    How do I know my dog isn’t a little shit during grooming?

    @hache Yeah my only options are floor and couch but floor is definitely play time and couch tends to be nap time so I get why he doesn’t really want grooming to enter those zones. I’m not sure I have the space for a grooming table but I’ll look into it, thanks for the tip.
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    How do I know my dog isn’t a little shit during grooming?

    @besorlah All these answers are really encouraging. I’ll say hi, thanks!
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    How do I know my dog isn’t a little shit during grooming?

    @besorlah That might work. Good luck lol
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    How do I know my dog isn’t a little shit during grooming?

    @besorlah Yeah that’s totally fair. I grew up with them so they’re my favourite because of the nature/temperament. We weren’t sure where he would land weight wise because he’s real stocky and had massive paws as a puppy (so much so that someone thought he was a Bernese mountain puppy the other...
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    How do I know my dog isn’t a little shit during grooming?

    @preng He definitely has a magnet in his ass and it has been stuck to my chest and face multiple times lol. I actually trained him on stand and up because of it but there’s some days where he’s just glued to that floor and won’t budge.
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    How do I know my dog isn’t a little shit during grooming?

    @mccra76 Good natured blob seems like an accurate description. He definitely behaves this way out in public. He is lazy though. I’ll think about the video but asking for that on top of grooming seems difficult, the explanations here make sense so I’ll take them at their word.
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    How do I know my dog isn’t a little shit during grooming?

    @jumpz That makes sense thank you. I’ll try not to be a two-legged spicy. :)
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    How do I know my dog isn’t a little shit during grooming?

    Thought I’d ask the professionals their advice on how I can know the groomers aren’t just being polite when I ask if my dog was well behaved during his appointment? I’ve gone to a few different grooming places over the last 1.5 years (about every 2-3 months) and I always ask about my King...