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  1. E

    Pretty sure my dog doesn’t like me

    @igbokwe You should absolutely establish boundaries in the house early on. Eg. No counter surfing, chewing shoes, jumping on people, biting, etc. By training i meant formal obedience training. Some people want their dogs to do fancy tricks and stuff right away, and that just doesn't happen...
  2. E

    Pretty sure my dog doesn’t like me

    @igbokwe Please check out the 3-3-3 rule. Dogs need about 3 months to decompress to their new environment. I would ease off on the training and focus on bonding activities. Establish a routine so the dog know that to expect, which helps with the decompression.
  3. E

    BAT or engage-disengage game preference

    @stewart2014 Both have their uses imo We do BAT when there's an open field. It's not very practical on busy sidewalks (we live in a densely populated urban center apartment area). In a big park my dog can be on a long line and do whatever. When out walking on the sidewalks, we use regular...