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  1. M

    Anybody’s ACD, uh, not cuddly or “sweet”?

    @childofgod6 Mines not really cuddly at all. Won’t sit in your lap, won’t sleep in bed with you. Will only enjoy the couch or bed if you aren’t in it with him, or if you are lucky and you stay perfectly still and don’t touch him. He is however full of love, he just shows it in a different way...
  2. M

    He's found his voice...and I may need new windows

    @simona111 That’s normal. My dingo’s bark sounds like a high pitched shotgun blast and I literally get worried he’s going to blow my eardrums when he surprises me.
  3. M

    acd puppy in an apartment?

    @augustus_33ad Unfortunately not really. Parvo is nothing to underestimate, it’s a truly awful disease. Coyotes can spread it also so it’s not as easy as just avoiding places where dogs are. This is one of the bigger initial challenges of not having your own lawns. Just exercise the maximum...
  4. M

    acd puppy in an apartment?

    @augustus_33ad Can you hike them miles everyday? It’ll be essential to burn as much energy off as possible. This is extra tough in the months before full immunization.