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    Does a citrusy/crisp/fresh linen-y coat spray exist?

    @dw1989 Ooooof 🤢 Baby powder is definitely up there with vanilla and sweet smells for me 👎
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    Does a citrusy/crisp/fresh linen-y coat spray exist?

    @dw1989 Oooo Lemongrass sounds great! As I mentioned in another comment, she accompanies me to the horse barn on occasion and it would be nice to have a scent that could do double duty and be used afterward to freshen her up a bit 😊
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    Does a citrusy/crisp/fresh linen-y coat spray exist?

    @chri5 This is great, thank you! The Stuff keeps coming up on my searches as well but it's always hard to try and guess what the scent is like. The colonge rec is helpful too. She accompanies me to the horse barn on occasion. I wipe her down with cleaning wipes afterwards and it would be nice...
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    Does a citrusy/crisp/fresh linen-y coat spray exist?

    @kimhoon Awesome, thank you!
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    Does a citrusy/crisp/fresh linen-y coat spray exist?

    @northernwarrior That makes sense and I was wondering if that's part of the reason I was having a hard time finding a fresh scent I like!
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    Does a citrusy/crisp/fresh linen-y coat spray exist?

    @christian39 Yesssss great to know, thank you! Lemony sounds awesome 🍋
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    Does a citrusy/crisp/fresh linen-y coat spray exist?

    @joshua14 Oooo this sounds like a great option! (minus the bottle 😂) I kind of like that she doesn't have to be saturated for it to work and I bet she would too. And mint is great 💚
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    Does a citrusy/crisp/fresh linen-y coat spray exist?

    @sonny9313 Definitely sounds like a contender!!
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    Does a citrusy/crisp/fresh linen-y coat spray exist?

    @sonny9313 Awesome! This one was next on my list but I kept reading reviews that it smells nice, and apparently my definition of nice isn’t the same as most people’s 😅
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    Does a citrusy/crisp/fresh linen-y coat spray exist?

    First off, just want to express my appreciation for this sub. I did a lot of reading here when I brought home a goldendoodle and when we arrived to her first puppy grooming appointment fully brushed, nails already trimmed, and armed with all the right questions, her groomer actually said...
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    Need assistance walking past dogs

    @snowballowen Yeah you might be surprised! I've heard dog trainers say their social interactions start to change around 18mo. Will be interesting for sure 😊
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    Need assistance walking past dogs

    @snowballowen She's 13mo and I've had the same thought about maturity (she's also a goldendoodle, but mostly poodle and of the 30lb size variety). Not an excuse to stop working on it with her, but I know people say things get easier after adolescence. She still very much has puppy energy in her...
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    Need assistance walking past dogs

    @snowballowen We also use lots of chicken 😂 The fact that he's willing to eat treats in the moment is probably a good sign! Definitely curious to see what feedback you get here. There's a house down the road from us that has a chain link fence and their dog is always out and PUMPED to see...
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    Need assistance walking past dogs

    @snowballowen Following because we have a similar issue. Can pass dogs who are calm and neutral just fine, but if they start acting excited or interested it's game over. I will say though, we've had lots of luck pulling off to the side of the trail or sidewalk and reinforcing calm observation...