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  1. W

    Overtired v. Couped up v. Normal puppy behavior

    @richardedwin Saying "not to be rude" doesn't make you any less rude. I did think of it. I'm not stupid, I know puppies are wild. It's still a lot to deal with in the moment. I was just asking whether it means I should give him a nap or play more, and how people manage to do anything when they...
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    My puppy peed 11 times in 4 hours in sitter’s apartment

    @meganl You’re right and I needed this reminder that it wasn’t meant to work out.
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    My puppy peed 11 times in 4 hours in sitter’s apartment

    @alektra Thank you so much for this. I felt really frustrated at her for not just taking him out more or taking him on a walk or outside play time to try to avoid this, but i didn’t know if i was valid.
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    Overtired v. Couped up v. Normal puppy behavior

    @nicolelovesjesus Ugh thank you for this. I was putting him down for a nap for 45 minutes but feeling guilty for giving him too much crate time.
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    My puppy peed 11 times in 4 hours in sitter’s apartment

    @pike11 He’s only five months and doesn’t lift his leg yet. Is this still marking?
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    Overtired v. Couped up v. Normal puppy behavior

    Should also say he gets out an hour at lunch and get an hour and a half of play before work
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    Overtired v. Couped up v. Normal puppy behavior

    @sp33d Thank you! I thought it felt like forever, but was getting pushback from family who don’t understand how much sleep puppies need. I will definitely keep giving him a nap around 7 even for 45 mins- an hour! :)
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    My puppy peed 11 times in 4 hours in sitter’s apartment

    @richnlp This is a good point and something to think about in the future. But even if it was just not generalizing potty training, I don’t think he would go 11 times in 4 hours unless he was pretty stressed out. He usually goes maybe once an hour
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    Overtired v. Couped up v. Normal puppy behavior

    This is equal parts question and vent. I’m a single puppy mom and work full time. I get home at 5pm and take my puppy out. I exercise him, give him mental stimulation and play with him. At 7pm he gets crazy and bites. I thought he was overtired but my mom says he is couped up from being in his...
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    My puppy peed 11 times in 4 hours in sitter’s apartment

    @christoph2005 I messaged another sitter and basically explained the situation to them and suggested he meet new dogs and spend time in a gated off tiled area or in her yard so I’m hoping that goes better. Thank you for the support!
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    My puppy peed 11 times in 4 hours in sitter’s apartment

    @christoph2005 Ugh I’m glad to hear that is the norm. I’m honestly so confused as to how it could have happened, and I don’t want to pass judgment on the sitter but I’m so frustrated
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    My puppy peed 11 times in 4 hours in sitter’s apartment

    I tried out a sitter via rover for daycare to test run with my puppy for future daycare and boarding. My puppy is 99% potty trained and has only had one accident in my apartment in the last month. Within 4 hours she texted me that my puppy had peed OVER 11 times in her apartment and she couldn’t...