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    Zak George has started a whole series on training and dealing with a very reactive adolescent German Shepherd

    @angelic_melody987 It's so good to watch him struggling. It's 2021, the adopt don't shop movement has gotten people to get dogs that are often way out of their depth as owners and trainers. Dogs with potentially not great training histories and foundational skills, that are often in their...
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    Is an 8 year old chihuahua too old to have puppies??

    @pinkstars86 There are major health risks to breeding that old.
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    If a dog is pregnant with only one puppy, is it normal to plan a C-Section?

    @jonpy The larger a puppy at birth is in relation to the size of the mother, the more risk for both the mother and the puppy durring normal whelping. From a risk...
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    If a dog is pregnant with only one puppy, is it normal to plan a C-Section?

    @azariyah If your vet is recommending it and saying so, listen to thier advice, ask about statistics for natural single puppy birth vs C section. Trust the peer reviewed science and statistics they bring to you. If they are any good, they are trying to advocate for what's best and safest your...
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    Surprised this sub doesn’t have more members

    @tp70000fun The more I learn about dog breeding, the less I'm surprised by this subs member count. Dog breeders are often comprised of older persons, whom are not good with technology, and already have thier existing support structures if they are internet users.
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    How long to wait between litters?

    @thelonemusician28 So you don't trust them. Maybe find one that you do trust, that does consults via online?
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    How long to wait between litters?

    @thelonemusician28 At it's core, this is a medical question you should be asking your vet about. Or take it a step up and bring peer reviewed research to them, about this topic and talk about your conclusions with them. Your gonna get plenty of advice from many breeders, saying this is what...