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    What’s your WfH set up with puppy?

    @arka I actually made a post about this earlier too because I am struggling. My pup was content up until recently to hang out in a play pen in my office where he would normally just hang out, nap, play with his toys, etc. Now that he recently turned 7 months and is otherwise given a lot of...
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    It’s only night 2 and I’m struggling

    @yeshuafollower Yes. The #1 thing my dogs breeder told us was to not pay attention to him if he’s crying in his crate. Don’t even look at him. Because he will take this as positive reinforcement of the crying and will realize that crying gives attention which is the opposite of what you want. I...
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    I'm so happy I delayed my puppies neutering!

    @lightlovehope Our breeder has it in the contract that we have to wait until at least a year. I have a corgi and they’re already prone to joint issues.
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    How much hot dog treats is too much per day? 11 week old goldendoodle

    @purestofpure Just factor the amount of calories into how many calories shes supposed to have per day and adjust the amount of food you are feeding accordingly. My dogs trainer always told us you don't even have to use BIG pieces of hot dogs/chicken/etc, it can be the size of a pinky nail and...