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  1. C

    Looking for any advice

    @alexis001 Here are some good courses from Leerbug that you may find useful. The first one is free, the second is only $10 1) From the rescue to the home. 2) how we manage dogs in our home (this one is $10)...
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    Question for balanced trainers/trainers who use aversives in their training plan - I have a couple questions! —A +R trainer

    @airamnire So to me the bigger picture is that many people start with an ideology and build their training from there, instead of training the dog infront of them. Or actually understanding the science. This goes for balanced trainers and R+ only trainers. And the divide / arguments / blog...
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    Own 2 dogs at the same time, for the first time in my life. Struggling to navigate the situation

    @liturgynerd We brought a rescue into our home (where we had a 8 year old lab mix). - during that time frame we were very structured with both the dogs. The OG dog had access to area the new dog don't. Both dogs were fed separately. OG in her crate new fed by hand (due to severe reactivity...
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    Need help with dog on dog resource guarding

    @mattjstead It very well may help! Nothing wrong with giving it a try!
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    Need help with dog on dog resource guarding

    @mattjstead A few thoughts... We dealt with resource guarding issues with our Aussie - we worked thought then all at first, but then he started showing signs on RGing me. We addressed this by having me essentially stop all training and having others in the household doing all of it, and...
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    Balanced to R+ and Back?

    @tubal Drop the labels and just focus on doing what works for your dog. There is no such thing as truly R+ only training.. And what does "balanced" actually mean anymore? It's more a matter of "limited training" vs "unlimited". As an "unlimited" trainer, you have every tool and method...
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    Is it always a bad idea to use an e collar at a dog park

    @imagebeastmarkbeast In my area, dog parks are populated with untrained, uncontrolled under exercised, and over stimulated dogs who have been locked in an apartment most of their lives, and the owners are mostly NPCs running around repeating "don't worry, he's friendly"..... It's like an...
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    When do you know enough is enough?

    @akidomaster Honestly, it sounds like the best thing for you and your dog is to list him on and find him a new home. Aussies are not good apartment dogs, and often require owners with the space, time and love of training that meets their genetic needs That site is where I...
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    When do you know enough is enough?

    @akidomaster Sounds so much like our Aussie - he was so fear reactive that his owners couldn't walk him anymore - he would just explode is he even saw anyone. This coupled with severe resource guarding and an almost pathological need to defend his people and home left him in a constant state of...
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    When do you know enough is enough?

    @akidomaster What trainers have you worked with in your area? Big part of that helped us was working with a very good trainer with a track record of success working with dogs like mine - he was so aggressive that they could no longer keep then on their home... Trainer helped us identify what...
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    Nipping/biting to snapping at the air... is this an improvement?

    @mykell Yes, this! Flirt pole, and playing a structured game of tug is huge - many of these breeds have a genetic predisposition for chasing, biting and barking so giving the dog a constructive outlet fit these drives is important.
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    When do you know enough is enough?

    @akidomaster My Aussie also has very high prey drive - it isn't just exercise, it's meeting their genetic needs to chase bite and bark, and to train. Herding breeds have been selectively bred to use their teeth and voice to force animals much bigger than them to do what they want. Training a...
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    Pacing/walking around in crate, pushy behavior?

    @lovelife34 For sure... Have you considered trying a x-pen? The extra space and ability to put toys and blankets in may help your dog feel calmer during the day.
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    Pacing/walking around in crate, pushy behavior?

    @lovelife34 Could be a learned behavior that you have unintentionally "free shaped" Ie - he has learned this this behavior will get him out.