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  1. J

    How the hell do I keep my dogs nails trimmed between groomings?

    @rosie1970 Like others have said, bringing her to a groomer in between her regular grooms is the easiest option. Do you know if she would tolerate a dremel? Once you get the hang of it and if you do it often enough, it should only take a few moments. Personally, I have someone else with me...
  2. J

    “Sir...this is not PetSmart...”

    @ralitza I used to work at an independent place that had another shop in the plaza across the street. We had so many clients mix up the shops! We would always direct them over to the other shop but they would just take our clients if they showed up without appointments! I saw what came out of...
  3. J

    Dog groomers of reddit...are my dogs compatible for professional grooming

    @jossystephan Call or email your local groomers and tell them alllll of this. Lots of groomers, myself included, like working with "challenging cases". If a groomer knows they are new to professional grooming, they can go slower, give more treats and even book them on a slow day. You may end up...
  4. J

    Concerns about my pups coat after a grooming fiasco

    @pixelneko It looks to me like maybe they used a clipper vac and unintentionally went too short. I would definitely call and speak to the groomer as there should either be a good reason for the shave or an apology/refund.