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  1. J

    Dog reverting potty training

    @karlx She is less anxious while I’m gone in the great. When outside of the crate she stares out of the window and wines all day for me to come home. Further she gets anxious and chews things up. While in the crate she rests and is less anxious and only chews on toys in the crate for her
  2. J

    Dog reverting potty training

    @tke129 I will try that, I do take her to play with the neighbors dog and rough house for a couple hours as much as time allows with my school and work schedule. We typically go everyday on weekends and 3 days out of the week on average. When its warm we sit out on the porch and I let her run...
  3. J

    Dog reverting potty training

    @tke129 I take her out 4 times a day. When its cold, its very brief periods of time. When its warmer I will sit outside and chat with my neighbors while she runs around. Overall she spends most of her time indoors by far, and 8 hours in the crate while I am at work.
  4. J

    Dog reverting potty training

    @tke129 Ive stood and waited 20 minutes before not doing anything. She either stares off to watch something in the distance or starts sniffing and eating grass. She is stubborn
  5. J

    Dog reverting potty training

    @tke129 With her, if I stand there and don't do anything, she will just stand and stare, she wont go.
  6. J

    Dog reverting potty training

    She is 2 years old. She knows to go outside. It isn't anything medical. We had her on a routine, she went out at x,y, and z times, went potty, walked, and we went back inside. The reverting process was slow. First, i'd take her out and she'd refuse to go, but after enough time of letting her...