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  1. L

    Advice managing a dog who is desperate for attention

    @futaba worse then my dog not getting daily socialization with other dogs would be me carelessly bringing her to dog parks where she’s not welcome, having someone report her & her getting either put down or shipped off out of province to an over crowded shelter somewhere. &to answer your...
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    Advice managing a dog who is desperate for attention

    @futaba I said AT LEAST one walk & listed several other things we do with her for exercise. To say that we’re “leaving her with an iPad all day” is a bit of a reach I think. the only thing that I wish we could do with her more often, but can’t, is to get her socialize & play with other dogs. But...
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    Advice managing a dog who is desperate for attention

    @greg1911 I think you’ve misunderstood, I’m not unhappy with her & this isn’t a too much energy or lack of attention issue. It’s a nervous energy/anxiety that is undoubtedly not comfortable for her either. im trying to help her feel better so she can relax & I don’t have to trip over her so much.
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    Advice managing a dog who is desperate for attention

    @prophetofgod7 I’m familiar with the breed & know they’re clingy. the issue is really more about the fact that she’s doing so out of some kind of separation issue, which I can’t imagine is comfy for her either. :(
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    Advice managing a dog who is desperate for attention

    @vlasit yeah I think I might just be too available to her all the time. I tend to just drop whatever I’m doing to give her attention or throw the ball around anytime she brings it to me. I just feel awful telling her to go lay down or ignoring her because it’s not like she’s really misbehaving...
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    Advice managing a dog who is desperate for attention

    a little background info first, my dog is a female American Staff around 4 years old. My partner & I rescued her almost a year ago. we know nothing about where she came from as she was likely a breed & dump situation. But all things considered she’s been a really great dog since day one & we...