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    So are we LIMA or are we “bALaNceD”?

    @christopherb Um? There's one mod for r/puppy101 who is also a mod for r/dogs and I don't even know if they're active. That's it. That's the extent of the overlap.
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    Just ranting about my Petco trainer

    @eront Hmm, interesting that it’s different within the same organization between countries.
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    Just ranting about my Petco trainer

    @eront Are you sure? APDT UK does test their trainers.
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    So are we LIMA or are we “bALaNceD”?

    @tenderloin I feel like it would be more helpful to have searchable threads of or be able to ask, “I’m at the end of my rope and want to get an e-collar, thoughts?” And have the overwhelming response be about the potential fallout, than a confusing mixture and back-and-forth. Plus, there’s...
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    So are we LIMA or are we “bALaNceD”?

    @tenderloin But again, more firmly regulated subs still don’t ban people from asking questions. Discussions can and do still happen, but there’s a lot of power in someone saying to someone who is desperate, “I used an e-collar and it was like I had a different dog in a week!” Which is allowed...
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    So are we LIMA or are we “bALaNceD”?

    @joshuawithmartin But half or more of the comments are still saying “they’re fine if you use them well” and receiving lots of upvotes; isn’t that just confusing for your average dog owner who is trying to make sense of all the conflicting information out there? Are they supposed to just go with...
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    So are we LIMA or are we “bALaNceD”?

    @joshuawithmartin I mean. I can’t count the number of obvious recommendations in this thread, which got a lot of attention, that you decided to lock but not actually remove anything harmful?
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    So are we LIMA or are we “bALaNceD”?

    @mydogs The standard way to teach “leave it” is to hold a treat out in your closed hand, let your dog try to get it, and reward when they move or look away. That’s negative punishment - removing a desired thing until the behavior of trying to get it stops. Not only are we waiting for the result...
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    So are we LIMA or are we “bALaNceD”?

    @imagebeastmarkbeast Of course they’re surface level questions, I don’t know your dog. They’re just examples to illustrate my point, which you’re missing; that dogs do everything they do for a reason. That’s not bad science, that’s basic behavioral fact; so much so that we have a term for...
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    So are we LIMA or are we “bALaNceD”?

    @imagebeastmarkbeast The example I gave was only an example, but it applies to all behaviors and corrections. When your dog pulls on walks, you can correct him, or you can stop to consider why he’s pulling. All behavior has a function and meets a need for the animal. Is he pulling to sniff...
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    So are we LIMA or are we “bALaNceD”?

    @imagebeastmarkbeast The problem with using pain and discomfort to train, even if you do use it in a way that the dog always knows how to turn it off, is that it releases the handler from the responsibility of empathizing with their dog; i.e. figuring out why the dog is offering a certain...
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    So are we LIMA or are we “bALaNceD”?

    @sharifa0725 So here’s my take as a trainer. For one thing, LIMA is a decent framework for qualified professionals, but I really don’t like it for the general public or public forums like this - mostly for the reason you mentioned, that the balanced crowd (and most casual owners) are quick to...
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    So are we LIMA or are we “bALaNceD”?

    @kidwindy001 I’m a mod at r/dogtraining and although we are very firm about aversive recommendations, we wouldn’t remove comments like that. We don’t remove questions or “I’ve done this and it wasn’t the right choice”, we remove recommendations because strangers on the internet aren’t qualified...
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    Bump Behind Dog’s Ear

    @amu My dog has a few of these - I think my vet called it a keratin mole? Essentially it’s benign and made of the same material as their toenails, they tend to grow and fall off and repeat. Despite being reassured many times I still worry though, so I would say it’s still worth checking.