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  1. P

    Victor dog food recall - seems extreme?

    @22absolutefreedom22 I’m sorry your dog was sick! I hope you know my post wasn’t meant to deny that the food was making dogs sick. I truly just couldn’t find real information about how dogs were being affected by the recalled dog food
  2. P

    Victor dog food recall - seems extreme?

    @hogynllan I think they could just be more transparent about what exactly the issue is. That’s why I felt the recall was extreme. There isn’t a lot of information about the reasoning for the recall other than the same few sentences being repeated by various new sources. It feels like a lot of...
  3. P

    Victor dog food recall - seems extreme?

    So my dog has ate victor dog food for about two years and I just heard about the recall. I checked the current bag I have and its exp date is in 09-2024 so it has been recalled. My dog has been eating this particular 60lb bag of food for 6 weeks now. Before people come for me, I will still...