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  1. D

    Dog Abandoned To Me, Previous Owner Refusing To Have Her Put In My Name, What To Do?

    @renewed24 I Couldn't answer that for you. I Did phone her vets to double check if she's chipped and they said they don't know as they only have records of her being taken there once about a minor injury. I Suppose maybe the vets aren't interested enforcing the law so aren't gonna make you chip...
  2. D

    Dog Abandoned To Me, Previous Owner Refusing To Have Her Put In My Name, What To Do?

    TL;DR Ex-husband has abandoned his dog to me unexpectedly, but has refused to let the vets she's registered with to transfer her details to my name and put me as the owner for me to get her microchipped or anything else. Where do I stand legally and what is the best step for me to take? I Do not...