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    If someone says u can’t pet their dog YOU BACK THE FUCK OFF AND DONT OET THEIR DOG

    @mrnat27 Aww he’s so cute! But yea I hate that if they come up and insist they can pet my dog even after me saying no, they could have my dog taken or euthanized and that would crush me. Plus there’s not necessarily any proof that I told them no which makes it even harder. I don’t really know...
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    If someone says u can’t pet their dog YOU BACK THE FUCK OFF AND DONT OET THEIR DOG

    @stephknce Thank u I’m glad to see u understand what I’m saying about the situation I feel that it’s the parents responsibility to keep their kid safe just as it’s mine to keep River safe and in control. If they listen to me I can focus on her and everybody ends up much better off
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    If someone says u can’t pet their dog YOU BACK THE FUCK OFF AND DONT OET THEIR DOG

    @howdodrive Yea there’s definitely a whole thing around “oh well a kids walking it so it musty be fine” and I wish ppl would just get over it and realize some dogs are just reactive and that’s that it doesn’t mean a kid can’t walk them especially in situations where the dog is actually MY dog so...
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    If someone says u can’t pet their dog YOU BACK THE FUCK OFF AND DONT OET THEIR DOG

    @randomuser1 I agree but I don’t know what else I personally would do. I find that kind of thing is better for me bc River truly is reactive to ppl coming near her but it sucks if it has to come to that for a friendly (I assume) puppy
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    If someone says u can’t pet their dog YOU BACK THE FUCK OFF AND DONT OET THEIR DOG

    @randomuser1 If u really don’t want ppl petting him I would buy a vest that says do not pet or in training on it that tends to steer some ppl away if only bc assume it’s like when u don’t pet a service dog that is if they think about it before they ask
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    If someone says u can’t pet their dog YOU BACK THE FUCK OFF AND DONT OET THEIR DOG

    @randomuser1 Even outside of a pandemic that’s annoying but I hear u the more people who are out the worse it gets
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    If someone says u can’t pet their dog YOU BACK THE FUCK OFF AND DONT OET THEIR DOG

    @akbest Probably a good idea I’ll look into it
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    If someone says u can’t pet their dog YOU BACK THE FUCK OFF AND DONT OET THEIR DOG

    @idahotater I just don’t get it why can’t ppl just move on and accept that they can’t pet that dog that day it’s not that big of a deal and it’s not that hard to understand
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    If someone says u can’t pet their dog YOU BACK THE FUCK OFF AND DONT OET THEIR DOG

    @texasgungal Sick! U don’t meet many do u😂 my dads email legit has 2112 in it. If u click on the insta link the only picture w me in it I’m wearing a 2112 t shirt😂
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    If someone says u can’t pet their dog YOU BACK THE FUCK OFF AND DONT OET THEIR DOG

    @texasgungal Also side note is the 2112 in yur username bc u a Rush fan or just by chance bc if yur a Rush fan I just gained some huge respect for u me and my dad are too
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    If someone says u can’t pet their dog YOU BACK THE FUCK OFF AND DONT OET THEIR DOG

    @stanleyinoh I genuinely really enjoy it tbh. River (and all her flaws) are my dog and I actually how to pursue a career w dogs (training or something) in the future so I have been trying all kinds of methods and new tricks and stuff and I have a good time of it.
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    If someone says u can’t pet their dog YOU BACK THE FUCK OFF AND DONT OET THEIR DOG

    @stanleyinoh That’s what I’ve said but my mom isn’t hearing it so I figure I have a birthday coming up soon enough I’m a) adding it to the list and b) I get ninety anyway it’s only like 35 bucks I should probably be able to swing it
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    [RIP] Moose 6 y/o Amstaff

    @mrbrain I just wanted to say I’m so so sorry for your loss he sounded like an incredible dog. But even more than that you were an incredible owner. You did the right thing for him and then t only shows how much you love him. Just know you are the reason he doesn’t have to suffer and I’m sure he...
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    If someone says u can’t pet their dog YOU BACK THE FUCK OFF AND DONT OET THEIR DOG

    @wistfulangel Yes I am fully aware of the risk of not having that and I really do wish that I did but my mother says it’s “a waste of money” and “not worth it” so I’m working on saving my own money (which isn’t much bc I don’t have a job or anything) to buy it myself
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    If someone says u can’t pet their dog YOU BACK THE FUCK OFF AND DONT OET THEIR DOG

    @quakerplayer Yea a bite record is not something u want anyway but w a bully breed it kinda screws u it’s really sad if it’s not really the dogs fault
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    If someone says u can’t pet their dog YOU BACK THE FUCK OFF AND DONT OET THEIR DOG

    @trustmaster Yea kids with parents who a) don’t get it b) don’t care c) don’t see it happening in time or d) decide they and their kid can do and have whatever they want are the worst bc u don’t wanna shove some random little kid but what else u gonna do
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    If someone says u can’t pet their dog YOU BACK THE FUCK OFF AND DONT OET THEIR DOG

    @crutchfield23 Yea something obvious like that that is a very very clear message of this dog is aggressive and yet some ppl still try and pet the dog it’s dumbfounding
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    If someone says u can’t pet their dog YOU BACK THE FUCK OFF AND DONT OET THEIR DOG

    @genjesus Yea not a great situation to be in