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    My moms dog is trying to attack my dog and I need help

    @jesuslover34 You did, thank you so much :)
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    My moms dog is trying to attack my dog and I need help

    @jesuslover34 Thank you, I'll try and figure hers out and hopefully that'll help
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    My moms dog is trying to attack my dog and I need help

    @jesuslover34 I agree on the medication. I'm trying to move out rn but I am completely broke. I've tried the water and noise methods and it has never once phased the dogs.
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    My moms dog is trying to attack my dog and I need help

    @jesuslover34 Z and my brothers dog have literally been in no less than 40 fights. I started doing the choke hold, me and my brother would go in at the same time to do it, and it always worked so I can vouge for that. It just makes me nervous because I know B might not even fight back. Thank you...
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    My moms dog is trying to attack my dog and I need help

    @mpaper345 You're right - different methods work for different dogs. In my particular situation the choke hold works and leaves no damage and immediately stops the fight. But if you would rather risk dislocating a dogs legs, ripping a dogs flesh, then I can't stop you.
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    My moms dog is trying to attack my dog and I need help

    @mpaper345 I'd like to say that I've used this method in plenty of dog fights and it works every time. The dogs weren't hurt by it, you literally do it to cut off their air supply so within 2 seconds they let go. The trick is to get them to let go on their own so the flesh doesn't rip as you...
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    My moms dog is trying to attack my dog and I need help

    @mpaper345 Thank you I didn't even think of this
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    My moms dog is trying to attack my dog and I need help

    @mpaper345 Thank you for the advice. Since we are actually being evicted I'm trying to find my own place in the next couple of weeks. I'm just panicking because I am completely broke.
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    My moms dog is trying to attack my dog and I need help

    @mpaper345 I do know how to break up a dog fight, I just am scared of what could happen before I'm able to get them separated. Yeah my mom is totally being a complete asshole. I have nowhere to take the dogs unfortunately so that's another reason why I am so stressed about it
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    My moms dog is trying to attack my dog and I need help

    @disjardin Idk if you missed it in my post but I did mention I am trying to move out but I am broke and can't currently find a place, I am trying though. And I am trying to keep them separated but like I said the only way to separate them is to put one in the back of the house where it is very...
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    My moms dog is trying to attack my dog and I need help

    (South Carolina) I (20f) apologize for this being so long, I just REALLY need help. My mom woke me up a half hour ago saying "OP, OP COME GET YOUR DOG QUICK!" My mom was laying down on the couch, my dog, B (almost 2 years old, female, my moms dogs daughter) at her feet and her dog, Z (4-5 years...