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  1. S

    And a happy Thanksgiving to you too

    @dtosh They become obsessed with the image of a "shaggy" dog, not realizing how disgusting and neglectful it is.
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    My vet wants to charge $700 to get my puppy neutered, is that normal?

    @tarper Is it in heat? You can try calling other vets but depending on where you are some vets may be full
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    Today a woman made a complaint about me

    @snorks4lyfe Put it in the notes! Be factual and say exactly what happened. Shorten it to the necessary parts of dog behavior and PP reaction. Put in you tried to recommend vet grooming. Then, add in the check-in notes and booking to look at the previous notes. You did the best you could, and...
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    AITA Grooming Edition?

    @brileemoot You did right. Some people will try anything to get things free. We've had a person call saying their dogs got fleas from us, but we checked, and the dog hadn't been in for over three months. He told us during check-in, he doesn't use flea preventive, and we have the pape to prove...
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    What question from owners makes you short-circuit at it’s stupidity?

    @dinhthaihoang Heard it hurts so bad 😣, makes me nervous, I just wanna avoid it at all costs
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    What question from owners makes you short-circuit at it’s stupidity?

    @rushu My coworker is very scared of rabies bc apparently you don’t get the symptoms until it’s too late. There’s a vaccine for it but good luck knowing you have it in time to get it.
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    This may be a silly questions but longer length on the legs grooms

    @kate22 O two higher and leave space to blend