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  1. B

    Want to get a smaller (<30 lbs) dog. How to I protect them from bigger/aggressive dogs?

    @anthonyinalabama Certainly makes a lot of sense. Thank you again for your time and experience!
  2. B

    Want to get a smaller (<30 lbs) dog. How to I protect them from bigger/aggressive dogs?

    @anthonyinalabama Thank you for the detailed and personal experience, I’m so sorry you had to experience this first hand... What you brought up is exactly my point, though... the other commenter wasn’t nearly as helpful... thanks for counterbalancing that. My thought was a handgun as well, but...
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    Want to get a smaller (<30 lbs) dog. How to I protect them from bigger/aggressive dogs?

    @angeleone Cool, thanks for your insight! I completely agree that violence will only make the situation worse, that’s why I’m here asking about it, so I can have a plan in place and not rely on my instincts to protect my dog. I certainly don’t want anyone else’s dog to get hurt, but if it’s...
  4. B

    Want to get a smaller (<30 lbs) dog. How to I protect them from bigger/aggressive dogs?

    Hi there, just the question above. I certainly want to be prepared, because if something were to happen where a dog was attacking mine without a proper plan, I might resort to any measures to save my dog, including killing its attacker (r/iamverybadass before anyone else gets it in) Seriously...