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  1. M

    If you’ve never raised a puppy by yourself or if your dog isn’t perfectly house trained, leash trained, AND crate trained - don’t talk to me

    @gopi007bond Hahaha, I was visiting my mom with my 6 month, very well behaved (for his age) pup. At some point, she started lecturing me on how it's not good for the dog to not say goodbye when we're leaving for a few hours, and that it will cause him issues (he has 0 anxiety about staying...
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    Would this be an appropriate toy for my 2 month old miniature schnauzer?

    @georgiana No. You don't want small puppies running a lot and doing sharp turns untill their growth is complete. You can throw a plush toy not to far from you, and just a couple of times. They will have their whole lives to be obsessed with fetch, their childhoods have to be calm and easy on...
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    Is anyone else’s dog extremely leash reactive but, super great off leash with no aggression??

    @monk58 All of this, amazing summary and great resources.
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    Is anyone else’s dog extremely leash reactive but, super great off leash with no aggression??

    @monk58 Well, to be honest, there's no one way that will guarantee an ideal dog. And not all solutions and training methods will work for all dogs. The most common advice for leash-reactive and dog-hyped dogs is to stop going to dog parks etc. and build a bond with the owner. My dog had a...
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    Is anyone else’s dog extremely leash reactive but, super great off leash with no aggression??

    @ruzou Yep, it's definitely something that can happen, you're right! I just wish people were aware it can also happen simply because of genetics, just like some dogs are anxious since day 1, or aloof, or food-motivated etc. etc. I just feel like a lot of people blame themselves over their...
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    Is anyone else’s dog extremely leash reactive but, super great off leash with no aggression??

    @ruzou Just fyi to both you and OP, oversocialization doesn't cause this. Some dogs can just be naturally easily excited by other dogs. I was VERY aware of leash frustration because shepherds generally tend to have that (I have a white swiss shepherd) and since day 1 my dog, that was very...
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    I hate it when people tell me what my dog is allowed to do

    @nrnowlinma I just say with a smile, but in a REALLY non-negotiable manner, "well, when you have your own dog you can train it however you want". That typically sends the message.